So, sigh, enter Mama. Yes, I joined my kid's soccer game today (not, I hasten to add, anywhere near the ball, and I stayed well out of the way of the 4-6 year old players) in order to get him on the field. And he loved it! and he kicked the ball! and he ran! as long as I was within a couple of yards of him. All was well until the 12 year old ref gently told me I wasn't allowed on the field. I pleaded only for a moment - "My kid is four! He's scared to be out here alone!" before realizing that I didn't want to be the mom who disobeys the referee. So I exited and that was the last of Peter's participation in the game, but I have high hopes for later on in the season. His coach has been totally decent about the whole thing and very gentle to Peter, plus the coach amused me by openly rolled his eyes when the ref sternly told the kids to play a "clean game," since dirty play is just not quite within their reach, at least not intentionally.
We did not take photos of me on the field, but here are a couple of the kids in soccer gear, including Grace in full playing mode - she took a turn as the goalie today [not pictured!] and did pretty well. The boy/girl colors of their soccer uniforms are totally accidental, by the way.
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