My desk, a thing of both horror and beauty [you can't really see it in the picture but the stacks of papers and books extend for a two-foot radius]:

Editing to add: I realized halfway through my day that most of what I'm wearing I either slept in or picked up off the floor before I put it on, or both (as in, I slept in clothes of uncertain cleanliness, and am still wearing them.) I did shower. I did also finish with the Mostly Final Edits to Chapter One, so I'm about 42% done with the Death Marching. Maybe more. My hero today is Colleen, the unbelievably nice lady at the Dissertation Office who sent me a copy of a document that explains practically in child-speak how to format the footnotes properly in Microsoft Word. [If you, like me, were so naive as to think that surely, surely *footnotes* can't be all that tough to format... well, you're just not a person of this fast-paced technological world.] She not only knew exactly what I meant when I emailed asking for it, she sent it within minutes, which made my Anxiety-O-Meter a little less dramatic.
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