Not the film festival, sadly. (Damn Robert Redford!) No, by the Benjamin Moore color, painted over a medium blue that proved to be the hardest color ever to cover. It took me four quarts and two days to paint one small bedroom (yes, I'm aware that four quarts equals a gallon, but an optimist buys her paint one quart at a time, thereby providing endless amusement for the paint store guy who always gives Peter a lollypop.) It did turn out well, and Peter's in favor, so I'm just glad to be done.
In garden news, our blooming tree out back is blooming, I've decided to nurture some vines that might be weeds, might be flowers by providing them with a trellis, and one of two rosebushes seems to have survived the winter and the onslaught from rabbits. I think I'll replace the other one. Finally, goofy self-portrait from Peter - he's such a big and capable guy these days.

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