We spent a few minutes this afternoon investigating what's growing and blooming in our yard - holy green growingness, right outside! We've got some chives from last year's herb garden, and I'm hoping the various oregano will also make an appearance. Blooming are some teeny violets that grow all over the yard (a weed, I'm sure, but whatever) and some crocuses I'd forgotten that we even planted. Various other things are budding/returning/looking hopeful and I'm remembering how much I love spring. The salvia is back! The tree out back is about to bloom! The daffodils are going to bloom tomorrow or the next day for sure! I even saw tiger lily nubs, which is so exciting - those were transplants from someone's yard last year and Peter was a little hard on the blossoms so hopefully they'll give a nice showing again this year and we can actually get a chance to see the flowers.
There are also lots of daylilies, and the beebalm is looking awesome. Some of the tickseed is looking ok, and I think we lost the dianthus, but maybe we can replant that bit with something sturdier. The hydrangias are looking pretty good, too - I'm hoping the plants we put in last summer do some good blooming this year. I loved our hydrangia last summer and spent great hours working at the dining room table and looking out the window at its flowers.
I bought a bunch of packets of nasturtium seeds and I'm going to let the kids just go crazy planting them wherever as soon as it's warm enought. We don't do many annuals, except for marigolds, and there's no reason not to put a few seeds in and hope for the best. I'm not quite optimistic enough to plant the window boxes yet, but another two weeks and I'm there!
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