We found a Santa Lucia tree-topper this year, and my ongoing obsession with binder clips served useful once again: a good-sized one

was perfect for anchoring her firmly to the tree. The kids decorated a smaller tree, and we carefully divided ornaments into "fragile" for the top of the tree and "not fragile" for the bottom. I'm sorely tempted to send the flying pig to my friend Renata, who has a garden ornament flying pig, so that must mean she loves all flying pigs of any kind and wants a flying pig collection, right? The girl with the toys is from my parents' 1978 trip to Chicago - they bought it at Marshall Fields' for me. We got the little Lucia ornament at the MSI last year; they have a cool exhibit of trees from around the world and a little shadowbox display that discusses the Lucia tradition. It was fun for Grace to see - maybe we'll try to go again this year during the kids' school break. I have good MSI memories.

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