So for those avid blog readers (don't laugh! I'm sure there are at least one or two!) who were deeply concerned that Grace was alone in the fun tote bag whirlwind, rest assured. We took yet another trip to the local fabric store and I let Peter pick out some lining and some other do-dads to put on his bag. At first he wanted a bear theme, but none of the bear appliques met with his approval: he was thinking more fierce than teddy. So we rejected the bear fabric for the lining, and finally found cute buttons in the shape of vehicles to sew on. I proposed a road; he counter-proposed a sidewalk. He wanted every. single. button. on the bag; I managed to narrow it down a bit. He was much less interested in the sewing process than Grace was, but seems pleased with the final product and plans to take his assorted preschool gear to school in the bag today.

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