So today we ventured out to the Art Institute with the kids. The history on this is that Grace was born January 2nd 2001, and on January 1st Mike and I went to the Art Institute and walked our fannies off (it seemed like a good choice because it was a. indoors and therefore b. warm and also c. free of ice, especially useful for those who cannot see their feet and whose centers of gravity are way, way off.) We went home; I went into labor; a mere 26 agonizing hours later, ta da! We were parents. So today was uneventful, by comaparison. Grace got to see her favorite painting, "Sunday in the Park" plus there's a Jaspar Johns exhibit right now that was really cool. We also saw "American Gothic" which is always fun. The best part was a photography collection called "Girls on the Verge" which is photos of adolescent girls - really stark and beautiful but somehow also very sad.
Anyway, we had lunch in the little cafe, and remembered that on Mother's Day of 2004 some random professonal photographer took some pictures of the kids there as we were playing after lunch. She was kind enough to email them to us, and I've included them along with photos of Those Same Kids in That Same Spot only you can't really tell on the locale. The kids are bigger, though.

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