A fond farewell to the birthday china, and a rousing hello to the Easter china, which is the china that started the whole... thing with the china. I bought the first four settings when I was pregnant with Peter, and his first Easter (when he was all of ten days old) was also the debut of the Easter china. Since then, I've aquired another ten plates, the beautiful bowls that are very hard to come by, and more sherbets and teacups than are represented here... there's a box somewhere in the attic, lurking, with additional china. (Which, should we ever be called upon to host Easter for a dozen, will come in *very* handy.)
Finally, a birthday-at-school video of Peter. He expressed thanks, in the opening prayer, for "da teachers and da whole Sunflower Room," which is about as cute as it gets.
Edited to add: crushingly for those whose days are made bearable only by pictures of my darling offspring - I can't get the video to load properly. It is to weep, I know.
1 comment:
That's a lot of china. But I don't see the video.
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