We also snapped a great photo of this dinosaur outside an art museum in Houston which, sadly, we did not actually visit since we were busy buying cowboy boots (which, pictures of those are upcoming.)

Finally, my long-legged girlie took me running this afternoon! She's fast and has great endurance - I was really impressed. We had a very fun time together, and I think we'll try to do it every weekend now that the weather is getting warmer. We went about a mile and a half, which certainly felt like a legitimate workout to me.
Although I tried to pursuade Mike that we should reinact the death of Julius Caesar in the living room in honor of the Ides of March, he was lukewarm. I even offered to let him choose whether he wanted to be JC or Brutus. So barring live theater, I'm a little stumped about how to do the Ides up properly; maybe this should go into the category of Things I'll Do Next Year. One year I did drink wine from a vinyard near the Rubicon, and frankly, that's hard to top; maybe I should start planning now for a November 10th party to celebrate Descartes' famous dream.
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