Portraits of the young man as a baby... sigh.
So the fouring of Sweeter Peter continues - we spent the weekend in Minnesota where he was properly feted by not just grandparents, but also great-grandparents, and a good time was had by all. The big day is officially tomorrow, and he's so delighted to be a bigger boy that my own nostalgia for the wee little sweetheart that we brought home from the hospital is tempered a bit.
The Mama Death March of April kicked off with a conference paper on Saturday, which was so ridiculously well-received that it made the seven hours of driving each way to deliver a 20 minute paper well worth it. For reasons of modesty I won't repeat the feedback verbatim, but rest assured that it was all ego-inflating and happy-making and totally justified the cute Ann Taylor jacket I bought (on sale, but still) to wear to the conference. Once every now and then it's *nice* to have a well-crafted argument received by exactly the right audience, which is really not what it is like to teach undergraduate business majors, although they do keep things lively for me. Anyway, every death march should start with a cheery send-off!