Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Mama needs a new pair of shoes.

Lest you be thinking, "New shoes for Courtney? That's like a coal shortage in Newcastle! It's like not having ice in Alaska! It's like visiting a desert, and special-ordering yourself some sand!" etc. etc. I must point out that these are *running* shoes, which a person must replace every so often or that person's legs fall right off. I swear. Anyway, they're pretty and blue and they fit and feel all cushy and the running shoe store is even closer than the grocery!I could walk there, but that would just be silly.

In legitimate garden news, unexpected blooming happened today. When we moved in, we noticed some largely-neglected vines growing up one side of the fence, and they looked like beans kind of but had no beans on them, so I just ignored them, thinking that they'd either fruit, or not, or die, or not, and I could just wash my hands of them.

It turns out they bloom this pretty pink flower. They look like a more domesticated version of the dreaded Morning Glory, and they're just starting to bloom - I expect we'll get a hundred more flowers, judging from the number of buds. So that was a lovely surprise. If they break loose and take over my garden, that will be a less-lovely surprise, but I'm hoping they're annuals in this climate.

I forged ahead with the weeding today, and finally unpacked poor St. Francis, who has had *quite* the trip, and relocated him to a nice part of the new garden.

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