Saturday, June 9, 2007

Veggie garden update!

So, my usual m.o. with a plant I've never grown, especially a cheap one, is to put in lots, rather than a few; that way, if I kill half of them, I'll still get a decent showing. Hence the zucchini. Thinking we could use maybe two plants, I put in eight; seven have survived. The odds are that these seven plants will totally overwhelm their little corner of the garden and I'll end up with a ton of zucchini which even my two little veggie eaters won't be able to dispose of. C'est la vie. Our oregano is also doing really, really well; we've had herb bread several times just to keep it in check. The beans didn't transplant all that well, but the ones that survived are growing like crazy. Hopefully we'll get enough beans at once for a good side dish. The tomatoes are looking great, the other herbs are looking great, and although I've been too lazy to put in the lettuce and carrots, they're next on the list.

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