On Saturday, we went to our local farmers' market (see cute and slightly costumed kids) - we got our usual assortment of veggies from our now-favorite vendors, and generally took in the sights; it's a well-attended and cheery market, with lots of local produce and meat, and various booths devoted to handing out pamphlets about native plants and local interest groups. After the farmers market, Mike and the kids and I took a bunch of books out to my office, and I exchanged a slightly depressing print of a Winslow Homer painting for a couple of pen-and-ink drawings of what seemed to be people visiting the college, although I couldn't quite place the buildings. I still need a few boxes of books, but I'm more or less moved in, and have my email account set up, and the kids charmed the womens' soccer team as we walked through campus after unpacking - they were quite the sight, pushing a doll stroller and staying out of the fountain for once and generally looking appealing and innocent.
Up tomorrow: Peter's first day of school!
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