It was Grace's first day today, and she went off eagerly, still minus the one tooth. The opening day featured a brass band (really! but, no uniforms) and a lot of very spiffy new outfits on the kids, plus parents with various kinds of picture-taking gadgetry. Grace, as a cool second-grader, was clearly ready to just head in with her line of kids about ten minutes before it was actually time; we were not quite an embarassment, with all of our hanging around sipping coffee and being excited for her, but by next year she'll be begging to get dropped off around the corner. We biked to her school yesterday evening, which isn't going to be our usual mode of to-school transport because of the dang hills (down is fun! up, not so much.)

Just to round out our week, tomorrow is *my* first day, although New Faculty Orientation is not nearly as impressive as the first day of second grade.
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