We've inheirited a good bit of garden, although there's room for it to be reinterpreted a bit. So far, some of our favorite things:

This is a birdbath that came with the house, and our old (bought from a garage sale and repainted and recushioned) chair, now tucked together on a small patio area underneath some birch trees in the backyard. Speaking of birches...

There are four nice mature birch trees in the back yard, full and pretty and casting a lot of shade. There are two varieties, from what I can tell, one the more usual smooth white bark and the other one with shaggier bark. There's one on my campus of this latter variety that has a sign, but I don't remember the actual name.

Finally, some rhubarb. I'm going to make a crumble or a buckle or a crisp or something nice when our realtor comes to dinner later this week, and tease her for identifying it to me when we saw the house as zucchini.
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