So, awww.... sweet kids at a parade. We had a nice time, despite the tense mid-fifties couple who had staked out their spot at 7:15 for a 12:00 noon parade, and were visibly irked when I sat on the curb to the left of them. They sniped at well-mannered teens, told my kids to make sure that their [presumptive grandchild] "gets a chance" to get some candy (she was bigger than my *very* happy-to-share kids, and did plenty well in the candy scramble) and were just generally very overbearing about the whole thing.
This is Peter's "talk to the hand" pose - he is very clear when he doesn't want his picture taken.

Finally, ice-cream-covered kids at the zoo on a gorgeous summer day - half the pleasures of childhood condensed into one moment.

Now, back to the regularly scheduled tasks of the day... must. pack. boxes.
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