Friday, April 10, 2009

In which it is spring again!

So it's plants, plants, plants at our house - the ones I ordered have come in the mail, the ones already growing have begun to emerge from underneath the mulch of last fall's leaves, and we planted some seeds in our teeny terrariums. Peter chose sunflowers, Grace chose cosmos, and I'm hoping we get a good transplant success rate. We did lots of raking and uncovering today, and noted which trees and shrubs are budding - the trumpet vine is particuarly pretty, and Grace gave it a little pep talk. Tomorrow I'm going to plant the various things that came in the mail (only one casualty there) and hope that we don't get (another) late snow. I was reflecting today on how little I got to enjoy our garden last year - we moved in July, so I spent the month between moving in and starting work unpacking, prepping my syllabi, arranging afterschool care, and orienting myself and the kids to our new neighborhood. This year I get spring - lots and lots of new plants to make friends with, open spaces to fill in, larger plans to draw up, a vegetable garden to put in, and (blessedly) the time off from work to accomplish all that.
Next up for the blog: Peter's birthday party pictures (pirates!) and a report on tomorrow's long run (aiming for 12 miles, since my half marathon is coming up soon and my running has been a little off for the past two weeks.)

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