So, true confession: I left the kids for two weeks (!) to take students to Central America, where it is warm. In Nebraska: not warm. This might suggest that mama was having a vacation, and indeed, I did clean some sand from the beach out of my ears just yesterday. (Sorry: TMI.) However, mama also spent si
gnificant time without running/drinkable water, and the babies were safely at home with their regular plumbing setup. I've put up an overview of photos from both Nicaragua and Costa Rica, and will blog a bit in more detail as time allows over the next few days and weeks.

Some highlights: killed a chicken. Or, more accurately, was involved in the killing of a chicken. I did pluck the little bugger myself, and cook it. Saw a lovely statue of St. Lucia and chatted in my three words of Spanish with the kid selling candles at the church about my tattoo. Met many, many former soldiers and heard some stories that would curl your hair. Speaking of hair, mine looked like hell for the whole two weeks (yes, I have evidence!) and I am glad to once again have easy access to clean clothing and a hairdryer. I now know more about the Nicaraguan healthcare system than I would have thought possible (or hoped.) I can recommend some good rum. I received a special little plaque for milking a cow, and many reassurances that the Bad Thing that happened during the milking was not my fault, but due to the mis-timed offer of a banana to said cow during the milking. (Really short version: sometimes cows fall down, and it's a little scary.) I have now bathed in really cold water dipped with a bowl from a trashcan and been grateful to be clean-ish afterwards. I ate an estimated 35 meals of mostly rice and beans. (Which: yum!)
So if you're interested in photos of other people's travels, stay tuned, as I have a goodly number to share. I'm happy to be home, glad I went, and don't anticipate a repeat any time soon, although ... you never know.
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