Last Wednesday was the first day of school. They do it up big at our school... a brass band, a huge crowd, lots of noise and fun. Our kids took it in stride - Grace is a veteran of first days, and Peter has been at the school often enough to feel
perfectly at home. We'd met their teachers, lugged in their school supplies, and found their classrooms, so the first day mostly involved finding their spots on the playground, milling around, and then watching as each class in turn marched into the building. The kids got quiet and purposeful, the parents got a little teary, and then it was Game On.
I spent their first few days in Minnesota at a conference, but they reported each day on the phone that school had gone well, and they seem perfectly settled in and happy to be doing their respective kid jobs. We're sad for the end of summer but excited for a new school year to be underway. I start back on Wednesday, and am not quite ready yet, but the day will come and I'll get my act together.
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