Peter had quite the pirate crew over for his birthday... we had a treasure hunt (for pirate booty), a pirate pinata (filled with more pirate booty), and a cake (decorated with Transformers, for reasons that remain unclear to me.) We now own pirate hats, a Jolly Roger flag for just in case, and many more legos and Star Wars guys. Even Mama dressed like a pirate, which it says something when you can whip up a pirate costume from things you already own (black kerchief for a hat, admittedly borrowed from kids, boots decorated with skulls, skirt and t-shirt, and that's about it, but I was piratey.) It came as an ironic blow that there were actual pirate stories on the NPR this last week, involving not-funny pirate antics and anti-pirate heroism.
We're vintage pirates, not contemporary pirates, and that makes us cool rather than all vicious and terroist-affiliated. Until Talk Like A Pirate Day (September 19th)... arrrr, ye skurvy sea dogs.
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