So I was planning to write about cheesecake (the literal kind) and also hockey (likewise, not a metaphor - are there even hockey-based metaphors?) but then we went to church today, and there were protesters, and it dampened my hockey-reporting mojo.
They were, admittedly, lame and stupid protesters, but apparently because the ELCA issued a new sexuality study this week that's not so homophobic as one feared, although there's still room for improvement, and because our church is openly gay-friendly, we got targeted by some lame and stupid protestors. I yelled at them that I was going to pray for them, because I believe in a compassionate God who might be able to bring even them to a kinder and wiser path, which message was probably not so effective given my BitchMother tone of voice. And then I hustled the kids inside and took a seat and was quietly furious, while Mike was loudly furious outside, with the stupid protesters. Our pastor, who is graciousness and hospitality embodied, invited them in for worship and potluck lunch after, but they refused to set foot in any church with a female pastor. (As she said to one of our fellow congregants: If only they knew! because she is out and awesome about it. Anyway.)
All of this precipitated a gentle conversation with the kids, about how some people grow up and marry someone of the other gender, but sometimes boys want to marry boys and girls want to marry girls, and we in our house, and in our church are fine with that... and Peter interrupted to tell me sadly that it's not allowed for boys to marry boys and girls to marry girls, that if they fall in love they have to marry secretly. (Which concept - of marrying secretly - he picked up from Star Wars.) So we talked about that, and then had potluck, and came home to finish making cheesecake, because *somebody* turned 29 this week. Again. (See? Not a day over 29. If possibly somewhat cranky-looking. Swear to it! Not kidding! Ok, mostly kidding, and the photo is not that flattering, I realize.)
I had Kid the Elder help with the cheesecake itself, and Kid the Younger help with the "glaze," which is a fancy way of saying the melted chocolate you pour over top.
I had Kid the Elder help with the cheesecake itself, and Kid the Younger help with the "glaze," which is a fancy way of saying the melted chocolate you pour over top.

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