Grace was a princess again this year (and she was lovely). Peter was a Super Turtle, which it turns out is his interpretation of the sweetest possible children's TV show, "Wonder Pets," wherein a teeny little duck and a teeny little hamster and a teeny little turtle, who have cute high squeeky voices and whose mission in life is to save even still yet teenier and cuter and more vulnerable baby animals from harm, save said animals and then sing a (cute!) triumphal theme song about it.

Happily, it didn't bother Peter that there weren't Wonder Pet turtle costumes at Target - he's unfamilier with the Ninja Turtles, so he assumed the Ninja Turtle costumes were Wonder Pet costumes, and we all supported him in that assumption. A good time was had by all - our elderly neighbors had special trick-or-treat baggies for our kids, the kids had a great time taking turns on the doorbells (Grace rang the high ones, Peter did the low ones), and we now have enough candy to render them permanently buzzed from sugar for the next month.
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