Thursday, March 29, 2007

Kids plant seeds.

This spring we're being optimists and planting some seedlings for the garden. Last year we bought seedlings from the local nursery and the hardware store and the grocery store, somewhat randomly rather than according to a well-thought-out plan. (Hence, last year's choice to put in 37 tomato plants.)

We planted only organic seeds - three kinds of vegetables: Sweetie pole tomatoes, Genovese basil, Kentucky Wonder pole beans, and two kinds of flowers: nasturtiums and cosmos. If any of the seeds grow into plants sturdy enough to make it in the garden, we will rejoice in our good luck; if they fail to germinate, or wither, or die after transplantaion we'll shrug our shoulders and get some hardier plants to put in.

We missed having salad greens last year, and carrots; I'd love to have some broccoli and beans. As much as I loved the tomatoes, I think we'll reduce the number of plants and give each a bit more space to grow. I might actually do some research about appropriate organic fertilizer, instead of assuming that well-rotted manure should do the trick.

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