Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Peter paints

Back when Grace was wee, "big paints" (tempra paints used with the easel) were a pretty regular pasttime. (The corresponding category is "little paints," or watercolors.) My dad sent me the easel he made when I was little and we've gotten a lot of use out of it. But somehow, with two budding painters, we used big paints less often because the cleanup is more complicated and you've got two kids to keep track of while washing out the paint cups, etc.

But today, Peter wanted to paint, so we got the easel out and did big paints. His style is very different from Grace's - she's more about color, he's more about layering the paint, and he's very fond of the round sponge brush that gives you nice fat dots. He also painted hearts in the corner of the paintings, starting with one he did for Grace. He asked if I would help him make a heart "for showing love to Grace," which is such a sweet awwwwwww moment.

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