Monday, November 19, 2007

More CA fun...

So today is the last full day of the conference, and there's one session tomorrow and then we head home. Yesterday involved Lutheran breakfast, women's mentoring lunch, and Rock Bottom for dinner (where, take note: I got carded. I asked the waitress whether she was supposed to card anyone under forty, and she said no, anyone under *thirty*. Apparently having dinner with one's mother in the absense of one's children makes (this) one look under thirty. Huzzah!) My favorite moment of the day was John Dominic Crossan, this amazingly prolific biblical scholar, who spoke at the Lutheran breakfast. He said - after a speech arguing that although the theological concepts of the vengeful God and the God of peace and justice are both present throughout the Bible, Jesus was historically and theologically on the side of peace and justice - that since Jesus is always depicted at the right hand of the Father, to find God, we need to start with Jesus and go left. Given Crossan's mournful references to the war in Iraq, his meaning was perfectly clear, but it was so funny and witty and pointed - even the Republicans laughed.

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