So, it turns out that the Cultural Identity of Lindsborg, Kansas is to be Like Sweden, Only With One Main Street. On said main street, there are about a dozen Dala horses (for the uninitiated, they're beloved Swedish cultural symbols, of which we have some in our house that are little and wooden and painted and some that are printed on pajamas from Swedish pajama maker Hanna Andersson). These Lindsborg Dala horses are all painted according to a different theme, and so we had good reason to take pictures with each and every horse. This collection is but a sampling of fun Dala horse posing (caution: do not sit on the Dala horses! They are fragile and expensive!), all of which took place during the lulls in organized Santa Lucia Festival Fun. We were lucky that the day was warmish and sunny, and not really freaking cold as the weather has been basically every day since. Clearly Jesus, via the weather, was tacitly endorsing our Lindsborg pilgrimmage. Or, something like that.